We're open 7 days a week. Click here for our regular hours. Unless specified, all events are at our 1205 Bull St. location.

Climate Commitment

Comics with a Conscience.

E-commerce deliveries have a carbon footprint. That's why we support cutting-edge companies that remove carbon from the air.

Together, participating businesses have…

  • Removed more than thousands of tons of carbon from the atmosphere
  • Provided carbon-neutral shipping for more than millions of orders

Here's how it works: For every order we receive, a formula is used to calculate the estimated shipping emissions. Based on those estimates, a portion of our revenue goes to carbon removal companies that have been vetted by scientists from Carbon Direct. Those companies use that money to remove however much carbon our shipments created. Any extra funds go toward the further development of carbon removal technologies.

All you have to do is buy comics. :)

Ongoing Events


    We stream live comic book sales on Popshop Live. Follow the show to get reminders. Use code NCOMIC at sign up.

    Get Popshop 

    Join us and host Jamie Jones for Neighborhood Drink N Draw. The event takes place on the first, third and fifth (when applicable) Wednesdays of the month from 6-9PM at our neighbor, White Whale Craft Ales


    We love bringing comics to the masses! To book us for an upcoming event, please contact us. 

    Contact Us